Thursday, April 30, 2009

Isaac's Progress

Hello All,

Isaac is getting better slowly. Drinking is now not a problem. Although, you still need to encourage him to have a drink but he can swallow fine.

It is eating that is a difficulty. He can swallow but when he does his ear hurts and his throat hurts and burns he is hot that is what he said. He also thinks every bit of food gets stuck and then becomes distressed and goes off the whole meal. SO I start with the mushy veggies first so he will have those. I have to coax him lots because the paediatrician wants him to have this. There are tears and moaning and all sorts. I then offer him anything else. He likes bread and longs for it so I give it to him after the good stuff but once he swallows his first piece he cries and becomes quite distressed. *sigh* We will get there.

Isaac is very pale in the face. We saw the paediatrician on Tuesday who exclaimed at his paleness the moment we walked in. He checked for low iron by looking at his eyes and his hands but no clinical signs that he is anaemic. However, due to the bleed and his unwellness following the surgery, the paed wants to check somethings. When bloods were taken during the bleed, his clotting time came back too slow and some other tests were abnormal. SO they are doing those again in about a week. It is possible that lack of proper diet contributed to these test results being abnormal. However, in case something is wrong they must check.

Isaac has to have a CBC (complete blood count...platelets hgb etc), he has to have a test that shows if the bone marrow is making baby red blood cells and the clotting time test and INR. Hopefully there will be nothing wrong with the production of these cells in his marrow. If he is anaemic, then they want to put him on iron supplements. They need to find out why he is still pale. SO that will happen in about a week.

We were planning on having Isaac back at school on Monday. I know a lot can happen in 3 days but looking at him now, I am not sure he can go back yet. Things can change for the good quickly in 3 days.

OK, I am REAL tired. I worked in recovery on Wed for 8.5 hours and it was great fun.,

I have a nursing job interview in a week with a day surgery hospital as a casual staff member. I am hoping to have the two jobs,

I am off to bed! Thanks for keepig up!
Love Charisse


Hannah said...

Every tried a juicer? My kids LOVE fresh juice from apples, carrots and celery. It's a lot yummier than it sounds! Any fruit is really delicious freshly juiced. Poor Isaac. Wish I could help. Hang in there!

Rebecca Rose said...

I'm glad he's doing better even if there's still some trouble. I had trouble with the paleness too but my parents never had it examined by a doctor and it lasted for months.

I don't know if this would help Issac but when I had trouble eating I would drink something really icy cold for a minute which would kind of numb my throat. Then I would take a bite of food. It didn't get totally rid of the burning and the feeling like food was stuck but it did help some.

I hope he continues doing better and better. Best of luck, Charisse!

Teresa said...

poor little guy! It must feel pretty weird. I hope he progresses quickly. It does seem like three days is pretty soon. Does he handle blended food very well? I wonder if that might be easier and more comfy for him. I'm sure you know what's best! Hang in there:-). Hopefully he'll feel better soon and tests will all be negative about anything being wrong.

Katie W said...

I'm sorry it's slow going on the recovery. I hope things all turn out okay and that it's just a poor diet that's causing the paleness. Hang in there--it'll be better soon--it has to be!