Please...anyone who wants to see the photos I added refer to the post before. I wouldn't usually do another post so quickly but I feel like I need to just talk about my feelings here. I hide them so well at this time of the year but I become overwhelmed by them and then I burst out in tears. I have had a good Christmas. I am very interested to know if any of FA families or FA adults feel this way...the way I will explain.
Every year I feel this way. I watch people celebrating New Years and going to their events and having a good time but it never seems to change the way I feel about New Years and it is with mixed emotions that I enter the New Year and go to a New Year's Eve celebration. Today I have had a tough day. I have felt really emotional and had tears. I have whaled a bit while crying. I am gonna share this and I hope no one thinks I am silly. New Years has 2 different meanings to an adult with FA I made it through another year. I am alive and thank you Lord for that. Then with mixed feelings I am overwhelmed by grief at having FA....grief at having pre-leukaemia and lower counts...grief at what FA may bring this year. Why do I feel this way? is pretty clear why with what us FA people have to go through...also because I know that in about a months time it is time for my annual bone marrow biopsy and aspiration and I start getting anxious like I am going to have a heart attack. I feel panic because it is SO close...and what are those results going to hold for me in this New Year? What will the New Year be like? Now, I don't have as regular biopsies or aspirations as people would who have pre-leukaemia because I have chosen not to transplant and I could not handle the constant anxiety of receiving results on my blast count all the time. So I choose to still do biopsies etc so that I am in the know...but so it doesn't constantly rule everything in my life...because we my type of personality I would be a wreck all year! The last 3 days I have felt really stressed and anxious and emotional...and then today when I was talking with Alan all these feelings came out and I knew....New Years is different for me....I watch my family celebrate and feel like other people do not have to cope with these feelings as they are at a New Year's Eve event but without a doubt every year....2 or 3 days before and on that night...I have felt these emotions of "can't believe I am still alive" and that is good but also, "oh no...what does the New Year hold?" I don't share these feelings because I don't feel like people would take these feelings seriously and would just dub me as depressed....but New Years is a VERY emotional time for me and I have these things going on in my head all the time! I look at my son and worry if I will be here for him the next year...I look at him and marvel at how I was able to spend this year with him! The other hard thing about New Years is that I am really tired from Christmas. 5 days is not enough to recover from the huge days out that you have with Christmas celebrations. I enjoy Christmas more than New Years....I save every ounce of energy for the Christmas celebrations. Christmas means a lot to me....its meaning of hope and I feel so encouraged....but I am so discouraged that I feel so discouraged in the lead up to New Years. Sometimes I just need to relax but I can't handle being too alone on New Years.....but I get so tired and get worried I will not handle it........although I know that as long as you have someone to spend New Years doesn't matter. My mind is working hard.
Some people would say, "Just trust in God".....however, I believe I do. Sometimes trusting doesn't always stop the thoughts and feelings and also...God is God....I also believe that He can do what He wants to to we explain FA children passing away.....when it is their time. Yes, we can pray and God can change things. He is God. I don't think I have the wrong view....we have prayer meetings every week to pray for my healing but God is God....and in the end it is all His decision........"trust in God" and do what you think God is telling you for your life. Sometimes the heavy load of having FA and the question of when is it my time makes me feel anxious..........that is because I want to live. I want to live as long as everyone who doesn't have doesn't mean I don't trust God! Some people would say that I don't trust God if this is what my mind is doing and I actually disagree with that point of view. These feelings are real and God...Jesus my Saviour knows that this is all very real for me...and I honestly think that Jesus will honour me for being so honest. I may seem very deep in thought today. New Year is a happy time but it is also a grieving time....they are mixed and I am sure that some FA families really understand that. We try and make the best of New Years even though we have some feelings and thoughts that are hard to contend with.......and that is is ok to feel this way. That is what my pyschologist used to tell me. It is ok to admit to doesn't mean that I am not making the best of everything or enjoying stuff. I enjoy things more if I admit to these feelings because then I have vented things and are not "alone" in my thoughts which makes me feel more released.
Ok, I have talked alot. Thanks for listening and have a good New Years even though I know there are many people out there dealing with loss of Children and adults.....this is the first New years without their children or partners or wives or husbands.....and then there are the people fighting for their lives amongst the celebration! I just wanted to say...I understand you people and it is ok to feel that way. We still celebrate...but there are mixed emotions and that is ok.
Bless you guys,
Happy New Year.
Love Charisse
That was very well expressed Charisse, and I am sure that those out there (with or without FA) who struggle with life around this time would appreciate the knowing that they are not alone, nor abnormal!!
As for 2008, though the same issues remain I am determined to make this year a good one for you... I want to make some good plans this year (even if they are not ALL carried through), and do everything in my power to ensure your overall happiness.
I love you sweet-heart, and am here for you through anything!
Lots of Love,
Continuing to pray!
Psalms 50:15 And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.
Hello My Sweet Friend,
Your post made me cry, especially when you said you look at Isaac and wonder if you'll be there for him to watch him grow. I know you have so many heartaches and worries and YOU SHOULD! You have FA! Everything you wrote makes SO much sense to me on why you feel the way you do. You do NOT sound silly at all.
I think it's easy for people to off-handedly say things like "Trust God" and expect that to be the cure for you...but I 100% agree with your view on that. Just because a person trusts in God does NOT mean that they will be healed. It's actually harder to trust God's decisions because He may choose something different than we want...but to trust Him and to know that He has a plan and knows what He is doing. You definitely have belief and trust in the Lord. Anyone who tells you that you do not trust God because you don't think that you will for sure be healed, is wrong. As you also said, God can heal you and He has power to do that - and you certainly have the faith that is needed for something like that to happen. But, again, as you said, it's up to the Lord and I know it's scary since you don't know what is going to happen, especially since you want to live. You want a normal life. You want to grow old with Alan and watch Isaac grow up. My heart goes out to you!
I have noticed that as time has gone by, I am starting to feel more anxious each year with Emma's counts getting lower. I wonder what is going to happen the coming year. It is very scary and I know it will only get worse for us.
I think you explained yourself very well in your entry. I agree with Alan (weird, I know) that there are others out there who appreciate knowing that they are not alone in how they feel.
Hang in there...I hope this time of year gets better and I hope & pray that your biopsy results are the same or better than last year and that you will be able to enjoy this year and that all the things you are hoping and dreaming of will happen.
Much love,
I agree with Teresa and Alan that you don't sound silly at all. Your feelings are completely understandable and you expressed them very well. Even though I don't have FA myself, I can relate to these mixed emotions, as an FA parent, though of course it's very different for me. I think it's good that you're able to write about it, and I hope that helps, even though it can't eliminate those feelings all together.
take care,
Well you're almost there! 2008 will be there in a few hours. Praying so that this year will be a very good one for you!
Know that I'm praying!
Luke 2:29-32 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word: For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.
Dear Charissy,
I am thinking of you lots today....I cannot even begin to think or understand how you feeling facing 2008....but I do know that you are surrounded by beautiful Godly people who love you more than words can express, remember when you are weak.... like Moses..... his friends and family held up his arms so the battle may be fought. You need to hold on to those around you and God...No matter what,
This I can relate to! Every Christian needs brothers and sisters.
You are safe from storms in Him.
I love you, no matter what or when...or how you feel. Unconditional and free.
Praying for you today, even through the struggle I hope you had a cool NYEve with the but good, they have a real zest for life and partying I know I have been to plenty of them!!
Give Al and Isaac a kiss from us and Isaac T still wants to see his best friend Isaac soon....we too are still recovering from last year! So we will see you soon.
Love your friend always Cathy Troup
My dear friend, I know how you feel. The celebration of another year under, but the uncertainty of the coming year, all of these things can really be hard on anyone. The faithful as well as those who have little faith. But I do believe that talking and venting helps, as well as the crying and such. My Wednesday ladies bible class discussed the crying and such, and we believe that God gave us this outlet to help us to cope with hardships in our lives, a vent so to speak. God is God, and he is with us all, all the time. And I know you lean on him as much as I, so continue to pray, and I will be praying also for you and your family. You are in no way silly, you are a strong woman full of courage, and and inspiration to many. And I am proud to know you. Take care and know I think of you often.
Your friend in Hohenwald, TN
So it's been the new year there for a while...I've still got about 40 minutes to go....
As the new year begins everyone's thinking about time and counting it down. So I wanted to share THE section of Scripture dealing with time. Praying as one year ends and a new one begins. Whatever this new year holds, the Lord WILL be with you!
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
Hi Charisse,
I want you to know that I am always going to be praying for you and will always be there with whatever you need. I love you so much and think that you are an amazing woman. Your faith challenges me and inspires me to walk with God more closely. You are also human and will not always find your road easy, but God knows your heart and knows you love Him. You are His daughter and he is very proud of you I am sure. I also am very proud of my sister who probably bears her burden a lot better than I would!
I love you lots. I enjoy time with you and your family. You are all special to me,
love Liesl
These verses were part of my husband's sermon text today. This is a really good passage and speaks a lot to us all as we face a new year. Praying!
Lamentations 3:21-26 This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him. The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD.
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