Hello People,
I had the CT scan on Friday last week and I got the results today. The good news is that the CT scan shows no inflammation in the lymph nodes or glands in the abdomen or the groin. So no evidence that the cancer has spread. Whoo Hoo!!!
However, I thought I would feel estatic after hearing this news. I was incredibly relieved but I still feel SO down. The oncologist was extremely nice. We had a good discussion. He had read the appropriate parts of the FA handbook and had my report from the cancer that had been removed.
He told me that the cancer was 1.2 mm deep which I knew. Apparently there is not really a chance of the cancer microscopicly breaking off into the lymph nodes when it is only 1mm deep. Once it gets over that, there is an approx 7% chance that the cancer has mircroscopicly broken off and entered the lymph nodes even if the CT scan is clear. So I suppose this is why I feel so down. It is such a SMALL chance but apparently the usual is to remove the groin lymph nodes as a precautionary measure even if there is no evidence with the Scan or on examination.
However, this can cause problems in the future, especially for a young woman. Swelling of the legs and groin, drainage problems and problems with dealing with infection. There is the risk of infection when having them removed and bleeding etc.
Of course, for someone like me who has not had a transplant and does have low neutrophils and platelets, it can complicate things. In the future, with low immunity and the groin lymph nodes gone, it can cause problems for infection because I already have low immunity.
They can highlight the lymph node that the area where the cancer was drains to first and only remove that one. Of course, you could have a false positive and end up removing perfectly good lymph nodes with no cancer and then still have complications later one. *sigh*
To be honest, I am feeling rather overwhelmed right now by all of FA. Really overwhelmed. I feel quite a bit depressed and I really want to cry.
Another option, because of the risks and complications for me, is to not remove the lymph nodes at all because the risk factor of spreading is only 7% and just to monitor the lymph nodes which is what I am doing for the head cancer I had out last year.
Obviously surveillance for vulva cancer now would be 3 monthly for me. Examination of lymph nodes and the vulva +/- vulvoscopy and an ultrasound of the groin lymph nodes. This is an option I am looking at.
Lymph node removal can be rather controversal because they can remove completely healthy lymph nodes with no cancer and cause further problems by doing so......because there is no evidence but the theoretical 7% of possible spreading due to the 1.2mm deep cancer rather than 1 mm.
Anyway, I am not fond of causing myself more problems. I am also not fond of having the cancer spread. If it was more like 30% or 50% or 90%, I would obviously have to be more drastic involving the lymph nodes but with 7% I am not too sure and I don't want to make the wrong decision!!!!! Decisions are CRAZY!!!
I have a gut feeling that it is not right to remove the lymph nodes for me and I should just have agressive surveillance like what I am doing with my head........although my surveillance with the gynae will be more agressive as the ultrasounds would also be done 3 monthly. My head MRI's are done annually....or was it 6 monthly....boy I can't remember.
I have given the oncologist the email of the gynae/oncol at the NIH in the States and told him I want us to work out what is best with their opinion in regards to an FA patient. I will also talk to her myself. They would see more FA patients.
As for the area that was excised. They got the full cancer out. However, there are pre-cancerous cells leading right out to the margin. So the margins were not clear and need to be. So I have to go back to surgery, have a vulvoscopy done to see if there is more dysplasia in other areas and how far it goes around the area excised already. They will remove the pre-cancerous cells left there and if there are other cells that are highlighted in different spots, they will biopsy those and we will wait for those results before cutting more *sigh* This could be rather extensive surgery. I am praying that it won't be *sigh*.
A tentative booking for surgery is the 24th July.
I have't got any bone marrow results back yet.
Anyway, I do praise God that the scans came back negative though. If they had come back positive I would be in more trouble! So even though I still feel overwhelmed and down, I have to admit, that is wonderful news and I am so grateful.
I think another part of me feels so down because if I had cut this out earlier as I thought I should...and acted on my feeling....then the cancer wouldn't be over 1mm deep and I wouldn't even have to deal with this lymph nodes stuff! *sigh*
Thanks to all your support. Thanks for praying, thanks for being there for me and thanks for your encouragement!!!
Keep praying!
Lots of love,