We live in Adelaide. We are aware of 3 families in Adelaide with FA. Unfortunately one family live about 2 hours out of Adelaide and are farmers. It just happened to be that the harvest fell right at the time of our BBQ so they couldn 't come. However, we had 2 families at our BBQ. Debbie, Steven and their kids - Stephany, Baily, Isla (8 years and has FA, post transplant last year) and Donna. The other family was my family - Alan, Isaac and I (FA Adult - 30 years, no transplant) my mum and dad, sister, her husband (Tim) and daughter (Eliana) So with both our families we had 14 people at our BBQ. It was lovely. It was a very hot day to have a picnic though. Temperature was about 38 degrees celcius which is about 100.4 degrees F. It was also quite windy. Despite the weather conditions, we all had a good time. We had sausages and kababs for lunch with salad. We all had an ice-cream afterwards which was nice. There was a nice, big playground there and the kids enjoyed that. We brought a ball and such which kept the kids occupied and the adults just relaxed and chatted. There was a pond near by and the kids enjoyed feeding the ducks.
Below: This is Debbie, Steven and their kids. That is also Isaac in the photo. He and Donna, who is their youngest (4) got along really well and spent most of the day hanging out together. Isla is the one who has FA. She is 8 and had a transplant last year. She is going really well. She is the girl holding the full cup of red cordial.
Steven and Debbie. Isla is on her dad's knee. She has FA (i know I have already said that ...hehe). Every time I took a photo of Debbie she had her eyes closed and would probably be horrified at the photo! Ha! Debbie is a very sweet lady.
My mum, Wilma, Caz and Myself! (notice my t-shirt?)
Feeding the ducks! Isla (FA) and Isaac standing next to each other
Isaac and Isla (FA ) again.
More duck feeding!
The Gang! Handing out FA caps to those who wanted to buy them!
Some view of the park. Already becoming dry and we have only just started summer!
Eating, drinking and relaxing!
Alan cooking the Barby! Like his shirt and his FA cap? That is our official "uniform"
The kids back at the pond.....aren't they cute? I am amazed at the children's sizes......Donna on the left is only 4 but Isaac next to her is almost 6 years old. The Isla who has FA is standing far right and she is almost 8. Donna, Isaac and Isla are all similar sizes despite their age differences!
So yes, our official fundraiser this year was Fanconi Anaemia Caps. They are really nice. I will have to take a closer picture of them. I should take a closer picture of our t-shirts as well! They were popular at camp! The caps were also sent to the other states for them to sell at their BBQ's as well. So I hope they were a hit! I have not heard how the other BBQ's went yet but I am sure that Brooke will let us know how things went with her and we will see photos. It is great to finally see Australian families bonding and getting support and going "out there" to help with awareness and fundraising and support. We have had none of this happening before Fanconi Anaemia Australia was formed and it has taken us a couple of years to get to this stage. It is nice and rewarding and encouraging for all our families. We look forward to coming in contact with more families and getting to know more of them in a more personal way. I am aware that there are families in states that we have not yet had contact with. We have to wait to be contacted because of confidentiality laws. However, it is a working progress!